Jesse Munro
Senior Environmental Consultant
- B App Sci – Natural Resource Management (Southern Cross University, 2010)
- Planning for Bushfire Protection Short Course (UTS, 2006)
- Associate Diploma Horticulture (UWS, 1994)
- Certificate II Bushland Regeneration (Ryde TAFE, 1998)
- MUSIC Modelling
- IECA – Erosion and Sedimentation Control
- AUSRIVAS Training – Accredited practitioner
Jesse spent the formative years of his career working in the horticulture industry fields of landscape maintenance, wholesale production nurseries and bush regeneration. He joined AWC in April 2011 as the Graduate Environmental Scientist and has become an integral part of the team providing valuable assistance to others in the office such as the Senior Ecologist and the Senior Water Scientist. Jesse gained a range of skills and experience in the areas of water quality and stormwater treatment, sediment and erosion control, ecology, monitoring of environmental waters (groundwater and surfacewater), management of landfill facilities and leachate, STP biosolids management and stream health assessment and monitoring.
More recently, stream health assessments using biological indicators has been a focus of training. Completed certification and accredited AUSRIVAS practitioner.
Jesse is located in our Bangalow Office