Ecological Services

The protection of aquatic and terrestrial ecology is guided by multiple levels of legislation across Australia.

Key ecological services provided by AWC include:

  • BAM Assessments
  • Flora and fauna, rehabilitation, monitoring and reporting
  • Ecological surveys
  • Vegetation management
  • Bushfire assessments
  • Aquatic surveys
  • Rehabilitation plans
  • Koala surveys
  • Ecological Design

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AWC are BAM accredited

We have BAM accredited staff including the Director, Damian McCann under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW).

The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW) requires BAM Assessors to complete accreditation training and provide extensive evidence of ecological experience to be accredited. Only accredited BAM Assessors can undertake biodiversity assessments using the Biodiversity Assessment Methodology (BAM).

Along with all other ecological assessments Australian Wetlands Consulting can now provide assistance in the preparation Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports and Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Reports.

To find out how we can assist you with your ecological needs please contact us on (02) 66871 550 or email


Contaminated Groundwater and Global Health

Contaminated groundwater expertise is a hugely important part of what we do at Australian Wetlands Consulting (AWC). 25-40 percent of the world’s drinking water is groundwater. Besides, groundwater is crucial for the irrigation of farmland and the health of environmental ecosystems. Contamination of a groundwater source can have far-reaching adverse effects for global health and ecology. By testing, monitoring, and managing groundwater—and by performing groundwater assessment on contaminated land—AWC makes a difference for the better.

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